
Steam rose as the elegant china cup was placed in front of her, curling upwards in the morning sun streaming through the curtains.

"Will there be anything else, Mum?"

"No, thank you Roberta", she replied, setting down her extravagantly flowered pen. "You have always been very kind to me through the years".

Her journal was open, not yet complete, and she knew her time was short. With effort, she picked up her pen and resumed writing. The tea was already starting to cool.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Derek Gillette, Bryan

Dark. Cold. But wait, the sun is rising, it shines it's bright light on the whole Earth. It shines all the way to each and every grass blade. Each and every one...

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May 28, 2021Liked by Derek Gillette, Bryan

Cliffs to the left. Seas to the right. And our track runs down the middle. Where are you going? Climb the cliff and see for miles. Dive into the sea and be immersed in mystery. Or chose to stay on the track, the safe, predictable, well-planned track.

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The late July wind rattled through the tall grass. It was peaceful. There was no one out on the open sea. The dock stretched out in the water.

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I love this exercise!

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