
Is there one so bold, so brave, to dare to take the poster child for unhealthy eating and turn it into a symbol of health and fitness? How great would it be when you are on your summit climb, you hit the wall, reach into your pack and pull out a raspberry filled jelly donut to recharge. But this is a healthy, protein packed, nautural, organic, etc. dream of a jelly donut. The raspberry filling not only delicious but loaded with power packed goodness!

But alas, I feel it will remain just a dream. This may be a wall too high even for a Snow Monkey to attempt to scale. Climb on little monkey...

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May 18, 2021Liked by Derek Gillette, Bryan

"Pardon me, but is there a cow in your coffee"?

It isn't something anyone wants to hear, but we have bad news: Yes. Yes there is a cow in your coffee. The fact is, whether you like a foamy cappuccino, a creamy latte, or just a splash of creamer in your drip, there is a lot of cow in your coffee.

Unfortunately, the alternatives aren't great. Oat milk? Almond milk? Bleh. Watery, bland, dull. Hardly an acceptable alternative.

But there is hope.

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This non-dairy option to ice cream looks amazing. Being one who cannot enjoy dairy having more options to enjoy ice cream and other desserts is a gift. Many of the coconut and cashew desserts are rich and delicious. My suggestion would be a cheese cake and a decadent cacao cake, using limited sugar. Both would be amazing.

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